EB5 Energy


Investment Highlights

Investment Amount


Investment Type


Investment Duration

3 Years

Projected Return

1% per annum + 35% of Profits

Location of Job Activity


Application Processing


Total Project Cost


Total EB-5 Raise


Estimated Jobs


Job Cushion




I-956F Project Approval

The I-956F Project Approval on September 3, 2024, is a significant milestone that underscores the project's credibility and compliance with USCIS regulations and requirements.

Fast-Track Repayment

Expected repayment within 3 years, contingent on meeting oil production and price targets.

First-Priority Investor Repayment

Investors are repaid before project management profits, with no debt in the capital stack.

Investor Returns & Profit Sharing

After repayment of capital, EB-5 investors receive 35% of the project’s profits.

Scalable Investment Opportunity

USCIS-approved for $28M to $120M (35 to 150 investors)

Experienced Management Team

147 years of collective oil industry experience, having drilled over 3,000 wells.

Rural Oil and Gas Project: I-956F Approval, Rapid Repayment, Profit Sharing

This rural EB-5 project focuses on horizontally drilling established oil wells in Oklahoma, an area confirmed by experts to have significant oil and gas reserves. Benefiting from Oklahoma’s favorable regulations and robust infrastructure, the project has operational advantages. Each well is drilled within two months, followed by oil production and revenue generation. The project is poised to benefit from sustained global oil demand, as forecasted by President Biden and energy experts for at least the next decade.* Despite this, the U.S. has yet to replenish its Strategic Petroleum Reserve, highlighting the ongoing need for domestic oil production. Led by Spire Oil and Gas and EB-5 due diligence expert Rupy Cheema, the project is supported by a highly experienced team in both the oil industry and EB-5 investments.

Why Invest

The most common concern we hear about this oil and gas investment is that it sounds “too good to be true.” However, because oil and gas production begins within just 60 days of drilling, we can repay investors quickly while allowing them to remain limited partners and continue earning a share of the profits. The project has received I-956F approval, confirming EB5 Energy’s compliance with USCIS requirements. As a rural investment, it offers the fastest processing times and reserved visas, which are particularly valuable for backlogged investors. The repayment schedule of to 3 years is significantly faster than typical EB-5 industry norms. For investors seeking not only a Green Card but also financial upside, the 35% profit-sharing benefit provides a unique and ongoing return. Coupled with proven experience in both the oil industry and EB-5, this project ensures both financial and immigration security. Additionally, investments in oil and gas production may offer significant tax advantages for investors.

Anadarko Super Basin

1.8 Billion Barrels of Oil and 11.7 Trillion Cubic Feet of Gas

One of the U.S.’s most prolific oil regions, with an estimated 1.8 billion barrels of undiscovered oil and 11.7 trillion cubic feet of natural gas. The basin has been one of the most prolific oil and gas producing regions in the United States with an estimated undiscovered 1.8 billion barrels of oil, and 11.7 trillion cubic feet of natural gas.

1.8 Billion Barrels of Oil and 11.7 Trillion Cubic Feet of Gas
Horizontal Fracking

Advanced Drilling Boosts Production Rates and Efficiency

Advanced drilling technique enhancing production rates and efficiency by exposing a larger reservoir section. Fracking, or hydraulic fracturing, enhances oil and gas retrieval from underground rock layers.

Significant Oil and Gas Production

200,000 Barrels Projected Per Well

Each well is projected to yield 200,000 barrels of oil and 130m cubic feet of gas over its operational lifetime, representing a significant advancement in production efficiency compared to historical well activity.

200,000 Barrels Projected Per Well
USCIS-Approved Scalable Project

Expanding Jobs and Returns with USCIS Approval

The project accommodates 25 to 150 investors, scaling job creation and profitability. With 25 investors, it creates an estimated 302 jobs (20% above USCIS requirements), and with 150 investors, approximately 2,232 jobs (50% above requirements). This ensures compliance while maximizing investor returns.

Expanding Jobs and Returns with USCIS Approval
Proven Oil and Gas Reserves

Reliable Resource Base

Proven oil reserves represent quantities of oil that have already been discovered and are highly certain to be recoverable—at least a 90% likelihood—under current economic and technological conditions. This project focuses exclusively on reworking wells with these proven reserves, significantly reducing investment risk. Furthermore, the scalability of reworking numerous wells through advanced horizontal drilling techniques enhances production reliability and ensures consistent returns for investors.

Energy Independence Backed by Policy

Trump's Policies Support Energy Expansion

The Trump administration’s focus on energy independence and domestic production fosters a supportive environment for oil and gas projects. Policies aimed at streamlining regulations, offering tax incentives, and reducing reliance on foreign energy are expected to encourage investment while enhancing project stability and profitability. Additionally, with the U.S. Strategic Petroleum Reserve currently at near four-decade lows, replenishing stock levels could position the U.S. government as a significant buyer in the near future, further bolstering opportunities for domestic producers.

Trump's Policies Support Energy Expansion
Key Market Dynamics

Opportunities in U.S. Oil Production

Crude oil inventories are reaching historically low levels within the 5-year range, highlighting tighter supply conditions that support elevated prices and profitability for producers. This underscores the urgent need for increased domestic production, presenting strategic opportunities for investors to capitalize on market dynamics.

Opportunities in U.S. Oil Production
Faster Returns

Accelerated Revenue Model

The project is designed to generate the bulk of its revenue within the first few years, with peak production occurring in the initial two years. This approach enables faster investor repayments while maintaining steady profitability over the long term.

Accelerated Revenue Model
Management Experience

Proven Track Record

Spire Oil & Gas’s leadership team, with over 3,000 wells drilled, brings extensive expertise to every aspect of oil and gas operations. CEO Mark Wagner, with 35+ years in the industry, ensures operational excellence through advanced drilling and production technologies. Michael Shroud, a Houston-based petroleum geologist, and Eric Marshall, a petroleum engineer, specialize in exploration, reservoir management, and production optimization. Advisor Aric Cunningham offers four decades of global experience in geology and operations management. Rupy Cheema, EB5 Energy's Managing Partner, leverages over a decade of EB-5 industry experience as a leading due diligence analyst, ensuring compliance and investor trust. This team delivers both technical precision and investment readiness.


Industry Expertise

This EB-5 Offering was structured by Rupy Cheema with support from leading EB-5 professionals, including Vermilion Consulting, Jackson Walker, Trident Trust, Customers Bank, and EB5 Marketplace. The offering is sponsored by Mid-America Rural Regional Center.

Industry Expertise


* Biden State of the Union Address; 2023 Annual Energy Outlook from the Energy Information Administration (EIA): https://www.eia.gov/outlooks/aeo/pdf/AEO2023_Narrative.pdf

**Job cushion is based on a projected job creation estimate provide by Vermillion Consulting and does not guarantee the success of the investment nor the success of obtaining permanent residency.

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