EB5 Energy

EB5 Explained

Rural EB-5 project with faster repayment and 35% profit sharing

This rural EB-5 project involves horizontally drilling established oil wells in Oklahoma, which experts have confirmed to contain abundant oil and gas reserves. Thanks to Oklahoma's supportive regulations and robust oil and gas infrastructure, the project enjoys operational advantages. Each well takes two months to complete, then oil production and revenue generation begin. The project capitalizes on the steady global demand for oil that President Biden and energy experts predict will last at least a decade.* Spearheaded by oil and gas experts at Spire Oil and Gas and EB-5 due diligence expert Rupy Cheema, the project boasts strong leadership and experience.

Investment Highlights

Area Invested In


I-526E Processing

Priority (est. 3 to 8 months)

Total EB-5 Raise


Total Project Cost


Investment Amount


Investment Term

2.5 to 3.25 years

Profit Sharing

35% of total profits

Required Jobs


Estimated Jobs


Job Cushion**


Reserved visas and priority processing

Enjoy reserved visa slots and expedited processing times of 3-8 months for approved rural investors.

First-priority investor repayment

With no debt in the capital stack, investors are prioritized for repayment before project management profits.

Fast-track repayment within 3.25 years

Investor repayment in 2.5 to 3.25 years, provided that oil production and price targets are met.

Generous profit-sharing model

After capital repayment, if there are any profits, 35% of all profits are allocated to all EB-5 investors.

Experienced management team

Benefit from 147 years of collective oil expertise that has led the drilling of over 3,000 wells.

Why Invest

As a rural EB-5 project, EB5 Energy offers the fastest processing and reserved visas many investors seek. Additionally, the repayment schedule of 2.5 to 3.25 years is much quicker than the EB-5 industry norms. For those seeking not only Green Cards but the ability to share in profits, 35% profit sharing with EB-5 investors is a unique and exciting benefit that may help investors buy a home in America or invest in other lifestyle and business opportunities. Proven experience in both the oil industry and EB-5 can provide assurance to investors that the financial and immigration aspects of this project are in capable hands. Investments in oil and gas production may have significant investor tax advantages.

Anadarko Super Basin

One of the most prolific oil regions in the U.S.

The Anadarko Super Basin is a geologic basin that covers an area of 50,000 square miles in the western part of Oklahoma, the Texas Panhandle, and extends into southwestern Kansas and southeastern Colorado. The basin has been one of the most prolific oil and gas producing regions in the United States with an estimated undiscovered 1.8 billion barrels of oil, and 11.7 trillion cubic feet of natural gas.

One of the most prolific oil regions in the U.S.
Proven Reserves

A high degree of drilling certainty

Proven oil reserves are quantities of oil that have been discovered and are estimated to be recoverable with a high degree of certainty, at least a 90% chance of being extracted under existing economic and technological conditions.

Mississippi Lime

Maximizing extraction in high-production areas

The Mississippi Lime formation within the Anadarko Super Basin features carbonate-rich rocks ideal for oil production due to their porosity, permeability, and natural fracture networks. These properties create reservoirs and facilitate hydrocarbon flow. The rocks' chemical reactivity can increase storage capacity, while various traps concentrate hydrocarbons for extraction. Extensive carbonate platform deposits offer vast oil and gas resources.

Horizontal Fracking

Optimizing extraction with advanced drilling techniques

Horizontal drilling surpasses vertical drilling because it exposes a larger section of the oil and gas-bearing reservoir, such as the Mississippi Lime, thereby increasing the surface area for oil and gas flow. This results in improved production rates and recovery efficiency. Fracking, or hydraulic fracturing, enhances oil and gas retrieval from underground rock layers.

Higher Yield

Each well expected to produce 130,000 barrels of oil in the first 5 years

Because of our horizontal fracking, we are confident in attaining a yield 3 to 5 times greater than the oil reserves extracted from these wells in the 70s, 80s, and 90s.

Each well expected to produce 130,000  barrels of oil in the first 5 years
U.S. Priority

U.S. Government's strategic commitment to replenish oil reserves

In recent statements reflecting the administration's stance, including the 2023 State of the Union address, President Joe Biden underscored the sustained necessity for oil, projecting at least another decade of dependency.*

U.S. Government's strategic commitment to replenish oil reserves
Job Cushion

Inspiring confidence in job creation

2,232 jobs are projected for 150 investors, resulting in a job cushion* of 49%. [Job cushion is the difference between projected job creation and required jobs for all investors in the project. A job cushion does not guaranty success of obtaining a permanent Green Card.]

Inspiring confidence in job creation
Rapid Revenue Generation

Fast oil-revenue generation means faster EB-5 repayment

A significant advantage of our oil and gas project is the swift return on investment. In contrast to sectors like real estate that typically lock in investor capital over lengthy development phases, this project is structured to generate most of its revenue within the first two years. This means that investors can get paid back quicker.

Fast oil-revenue generation means faster EB-5 repayment
Tax advantages

Investing in oil and gas production can offer substantial tax benefits

Investors may be able to deduct 100% of the intangible costs associated with drilling (everything but drilling equipment) in the year incurred. They may also be able to deduct 100% of the expenses of the direct cost of drilling equipment, but these expenses must depreciate over seven years. Depletion allowance enables investors to deduct a portion of their investment as the oil and gas reserves are depleted. Tax benefits can vary depending on individual circumstances, and investors should consult a tax professional.

Investing in oil and gas production can offer substantial tax benefits
Management Experience

History of over 3,000 oil and gas wells

At the core of our operational strength is a highly experienced team with a collective 147 years in the oil and gas industry. Their impressive track record includes overseeing the drilling of more than 3,000 oil and gas wells. This wealth of experience forms the bedrock of our project's operations and positions us for success. Our General Partner, Rupy Cheema, is a seasoned professional with over a decade of experience in the EB-5 industry. Her significant expertise, particularly as the industry's leading due diligence analyst, has played a pivotal role in shaping and structuring this distinctive opportunity.


Working with industry-leading EB-5 professionals

The offering is being structured by Rupy Cheema, who has been conducting due diligence reviews on EB-5 projects for the past 12 years and has extensive experience in structuring EB-5 offerings. Experienced EB-5 industry professionals have been retained for the offering's structure, including Vermilion Consulting, Jackson Walker (a law firm with a deep understanding of the energy industry and EB-5), Trident Trust (a global provider of corporate, fiduciary, and fund administration services), Customers Bank for escrow administration and EB5 Marketplace/Kurt Reuss as the placement agent.

Working with industry-leading EB-5 professionals


* Biden State of the Union Address: https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/speeches-remarks/2023/02/07/remarks-by-president-biden-in-state-of-the-union-address-2/; 2023 Annual Energy Outlook from the Energy Information Administration (EIA): https://www.eia.gov/outlooks/aeo/pdf/AEO2023_Narrative.pdf **Job cushion is based on a projected job creation estimate only and does not guarantee the success of the investment nor the success of obtaining permanent residency.


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